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  Where a victim has suffered any material loss as a result of the defendant’s crime, the victim shall have the right to institute an incidental civil action during criminal procedures. If the victim is dead or has lost capacity of conduct, his or her legal representative or close relative shall have the right to institute an incidental civil action.

  Where state property or collective property has suffered any loss, a people’s procuratorate may institute an incidental civil action along with a public prosecution.

  A people’s court may, when necessary, take a preservative measure to seize, impound, or freeze the property of a defendant. In an incidental civil action, the plaintiff or the people’s procuratorate may apply to the people’s court for taking a preservative measure. Where a people’s court takes a preservative measure, the relevant provisions of the Civil Procedure Law shall apply.

  When trying an incidental civil case, a people’s court may conduct mediation or render a judgment or ruling based on the material loss.

  An incidental civil action shall be heard concurrently with the criminal case. An incidental civil action may be heard by the same judicial organization after the trial of the criminal case only to prevent the excessive delay of the trial of the criminal case.