当前位置: 主页 > 离婚 DIVORCE





















  In case of familial violence or maltreatment of any family member, the victim thereof shall be entitled to make petitions, and the villagers’ committees, the relevant urban residents' committee, villagers’ committee or the entity where the victim is a staff member shall make dissuasions or mediations.

  The victim shall be entitled to make petitions concerning the familial violence that is happening, and the relevant urban residents’ committee or villagers’ committee shall make dissuasions, and the public security organs shall stop such acts.

  Where the victim of family violence or maltreatment makes a petition, the public security organ concerned shall give administrative punishment to the actor according to the provisions on the administration of public security.

  Any member deserted by his or her family shall be entitled to make petitions, and the relevant urban residents’ committee, villagers’ committee or the entity where the victim is a staff member shall make dissuasions or mediations.

  Where any person deserted by his or her family makes a petition, the people’s court shall make a judgment concerning the payment of expenses for upbringing, supporting and maintenance.

  Criminal liabilities shall be meted out to bigamists and those who has committed familial violence or maltreated or deserted any family member so seriously as to have constituted a crime. The victim may file a private prosecution at the people’s court according to the provisions of the criminal procedure law; the relevant public security organ shall make investigations and the people’s procuratorate concerned shall make a public prosecution according to the provisions of law.

  In any of the following circumstances which has led to the divorce of husband and wife, the innocent party shall be entitled to claim damages:

  a. bigamy;

  b. cohabitation between a person who has a spouse but co-habitats with a third person;

  c. familial violence;

  d. maltreating or deserting any family member.

  If, at the time of divorce, any party conceals, transfers, sells or destroys the property jointly owned by both husband and wife, or fabricates any debt in an effort to seize the property of the other party, the person who conseals, transfers, sells or destroys the jointly owned property or fabricates the debt may, in the partition of jointly owned property, have a smaller or even no share. If any party discovers any of the afore-mentioned acts after divorce, he or she may file a suit at the people’s court to apply for repartitioning the jointly owned property.

  The people’s court concerned may punish any of the acts that hampers the civil litigation concerning the afore-mentioned acts according to the civil procedure law.

  In case any person refuses to execute the judgment or decision on the payment of expenses for upbringing, supporting or maintenance, the partitioning or inheritance of property or visiting the children, the execution may be enforced by the people’s court in accordance with the law. Relevant persons and entities shall be responsible for giving assistance to the enforcement.

  Where there are different provisions in other laws concerning the illegal acts and legal liabilities in the area of marriage or family, such provisions shall be followed.